Liquid Fish Food

A type of fish food that is becoming increasingly more popular, especially among fish breeders, is liquid fish food. Having food for fish available in a liquid form can make some of the components of the food more bio-available to fish, and may also have some other health benefits for good pet care. However, the majority of fish owners are unaware of the benefits of liquid fish food, which can promote good health in overall pet fish care. There are several different type of liquid fish food formulas available on the market today, which may or may not be the best fit for your fish’s nutritional needs. Here is some general information about liquid fish food formulas.



The use of liquid fish food formulas is sometimes used to feed baby fish, or ‘fry’ as they are sometimes called. Liquid fish food formulas provide an aqueous suspension of tiny food particles, which are much easier for newly hatched fish to ingest. Because baby fish grow at such a rapid rate, they will thrive off of a diet that provides them with a constant supply of nutrition.


Some of the most common ingredients in liquid fish food formulas include:


Calanoid copepods are a type of zooplankton that is in the order of copepods. There are approximately 2000 different species of calanoid copepods, which may reside either in saltwater or freshwater environments. The reason why calanoid copepods are a valuable source of nutrition for fish, is because they ingest phytoplankton and algae. This ingested food is then converted by the calanoid copepod into a more digestible form, which provides better nutrition for other animals, such as fish. Most commercially grown fish are dependent on calanoid copepods for a source of nutrition, which may be consumed either in their adult or larval forms. In most cases, calanoid copepods are freeze-dried before they are added to liquid fish food formulas.


Technically, nannochloropsis is a genus of alga that was first classified in 1981. For the most part, nannochloropsis is spherical in shape, and lacks chlorophyll b and c (unlike other related microalgae). However, nannochloropsis contains a high level of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are often used for many different industrial applications. As an additive to liquid fish food, nannochloropsis provides a high-energy food source for most pet fish.


Tetraselmis is a type of phytoplankton that is commonly used as a nutrient source in liquid fish food formulas. By description (in its natural state) tetraselmis is motile, green and very tiny. Tetraselmis is valued for its extremely high level in natural EPA lipids. In addition to this, tetraselmis also contains a fairly high protein content. Tetraselmis is also able to stimulate feeding in many different types of pet fish, by using its natural amino acids. In its digestible form, tetraselmis contains a 54.66% concentration of protein, a 18.31% concentration of natural carbohydrates and a 14.27% concentration of total lipids.

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